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The Importance Of Scent

A lot of people say that a cocktail is not just a drink which you need in order to have fun through the night, but it is an experience. I totally agree with this opinion since a lot of people have connected their bar memories with the cocktails they drank at some point. The question is: "How can bartenders make a cocktail which can be connected with a memory?"

Chefs, barmen & sommeliers agree that a good meal, a good wine & a good drink is affected by three factors. The first factor is the taste, the second is the smell and last but not least the presentation.

The factor of scent is what are we going to talk in today's article.

There are a lot of ways to aromatize a drink. Must usual ways are to express the oils of citrusses' pells, use aromatic springs like mint & basil springs & to smoke the glass by burning different ingredients like botanicals for example.

The way I am giving an excellent smell to my drinks is to use homemade tinctures. Tinctures usually do not include a lot of ingredients but I don't follow this theory since the use of different ingredients can make a complicated aroma which can feet perfectly with the drink.

So I suggest you dear bar friends to catch your jars and start your infusions in order to create tinctures.

With tinctures you will be closer to experiences instead of cocktails.

With tinctures you will be closer to experiences instead of cocktails. In my next article I will give you some tips in order to make tinctures. For now on I will give you the recipe I came up with for my "Yellow Traveler Tincture" which you can use to aromatize Dry Martinis and every drink you want to give a levely lemon aroma.

Yellow Traveler Tincture:


100ml Vodka (>40% abv)

2 Lemon Peels

1gr. Pink Pepper


Add all the ingredients in a jar and shake daily for about 8 days. The jar must be put in a dark & dry place.

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